The « Société des
Amis d'Alexandre Dumas » was founded in 1971 by Alain Decaux
in order to save the Castle of Monte-Cristo, which was then threatened of
being demolished, and where the Society is now based. With hundreds of members,
the Society, presided over by Claude Schopp, has several purposes :
To bring together Alexandre Dumas's friends, from France and from abroad.
To maintain the Castle of Monte-Cristo cultural activities by organizing
exhibitions, colloquiums, etc...
To make Dumas's works known by publishing every year a Cahier
Alexandre Dumas, as well as the information paper Aramis.
To assemble collections of books manuscripts, autographs and varied things
about Dumas's life and works.
The Castle of Monte Cristo
A tour in Dumas very own mansion near Paris.
The Cahiers Dumas
More about the annual volume of studies published
by the Society.
The Society's collections
Details on our important collections. |